Natural Breathing

When the posture is simple (seated, lying down), we have an opportunity to explore some more complex breathing patterns.

Many people want to jump straight into these advanced techniques

However, it’s important to first establish natural breathing, which is increasingly rare in today’s fast paced world.

In movement and daily life, the most beneficial breathing for most people, generally is simply natural breathing.

This has a few characteristics:

  1. Diaphragmatic inhale – “allowing” a soft and open breath in the lower 2/3 of the trunk

  2. Passive exhalation – the forced exhalation muscles remain relaxed

  3. The breath is through the nose

  4. The breath is quiet and minimal

A great way to start is simply lying down for 5 minutes and practicing. You can have a partner watch, or you can place a hand over the belly or a small weighted object.

This type of practice, albeit short, will warm the body, help relax the nervous system and skeletal structure.

PS – Live Training masterclass at 12pm Sydney time today – “What is Healthy Training?”

This will be a Zoom call, and here is the invite page (the button will work at the time of the call):

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