“Love yourself and watch.”

Love yourself and watch — today, tomorrow, always. – Gautama Buddha

Self love is often either ignored completely, or spoken about in round-about terms when suitable, then seemingly forgotten.

For some, the wording might be difficult, so perhaps self-acceptance or compassion may better, although ultimately these have different meanings.

However, to be in meditation, in silence, can only come from self love. Sure we can focus on a mantra and still sit, we can sit there in repetition of the mind, but is this inner silence, or just concentration?

To sit still and at peace with the entire universe around you requires that we accept ourselves as part of that universe exactly as we are.

In the day to day living, to raise our awareness and do our best to live in a way that truly serves us rather than bend to a societal norm or pressure can also only stem from self love.

Ultimately, it is the choice to see self love as an entire context for living that makes so many other things possible.

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