Mechanics and Ice Cream

Two ways we can invest some money:

  1. We buy some ice cream

  2. We pay a car mechanic for a service

The car mechanic is paid to dissect the car, see what’s going on under the hood and use her skillset to fix the problem.

The news from the car mechanic can (and often does) seem “bad” upfront.

We don’t like their questions about when we last serviced the car and we’d rather they didn’t inform us that soon we’ll need new rear tyres too. Then there’s the timing belt coming up..

This creates upfront pain or tension, but hey, it keeps us on the road so we happily pay it.

The ice cream is comforting.

We prefer if they gloss over the facts of how much sugar is in it, we’d rather just enjoy it. It alleviates upfront pain or tension. We feel better.

When we work with a coach or a mentor, or even if we are asking our close friend for advice, which one do we want?

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