The Secret Weapon

In 2003, when I started at University, the secret weapon was still consumption.

“Online” bandwidth was limited and slow, so it was a valuable commodity – the bottleneck that we all lined up behind to “develop” ourselves intellectually and even culturally (movies, music).

Now, the pendulum has swung. Bandwidth and information is in abundance.


The scarcity now (the secret weapon) is in the ability to interact, discuss, connect, notice and take consistent action in a new way.

The scarcity now is to move through your fear.

NOTE: Today is the first announcement of my new project, Access Potential Academy. This is a 12 month workshop for men who want to lead. A peer-to-peer community in which we explore the three pillars of breath, connection and contribution, in an action and accountability based system.

It’s fun to join new things, and it’s fun to quit. But neither are as important as showing up and doing the consistent work to create the change we are looking for.

If you are interested in finding out more, head [ here ] , enter your details and I’ll send you a short PDF, early bird opportunities are now open.

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