The Other Door

Yesterday we landed on the island we are now spending a couple months after a 40 minute flight on a little island-hopper plane.

There were 11 people on the flight, mostly in their 50’s and 60’s.

The local airlines fly several times per day. It’s a fairly straight-forward exercise.

When we landed, a young guy wheeled out the trolley of the luggage. I didn’t see my bag, although my wife Ruby’s bag was there.

People grabbed the bags off of the trolley, but half of us still were bagless.

They attendants looked at each other, puzzled.

They “made a call” back to HQ as the plane spun around in the background and got ready to depart again.

The bags had been left back in Auckland, so we’d have them in half an hour on another plane that was coming out.

The next plane landed.

No bags in that one.

Another hour.

The first plane turns up again.

Got the bags.

The bags had never left the plane. They were in the second compartment.

Everyone was so busy with the task at hand, the hustle and following the procedure that they missed 50% of the luggage.

There was another door.

How often are we not seeing the other door?

The other option, the other way of approaching the situation?

The way that actually requires no extra work, but a change in perspective?

Is our schedule so filled with checking, hustling, scanning and being busy with what’s right in front of us that we are missing the other 50%?

What daily or weekly system do you have in place to allow the mind a chance to simmer down, to create a little more space and perhaps see things from a different perspective?

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