Staying in the Water

When spearfishing, depending on the type of fish you are looking for, there can be a lot of waiting.

Depending on your intent, you could be waiting 5 minutes, or 5 hours.

Ultimately, if you get bored, distracted, cold, frustrated and get out, then, well, you aren’t in the water.

You’ve just created zero chance of seeing the big fish.

This is ignoring sunk costs. Forget the previous hour.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in there, a lot of times, there’s every possibility something can come up in the next 60 seconds*.

When we create a practice, event, or business even, in an effort to make an impact, often (not always) all we have to do is figure out a way to keep us going.

In an age of instant gratification and often expected instant success, a lot of times we just need a way to keep us in the water.

*choosing the wrong season or completely wrong location is a deal-breaker. If the environment isn’t right, then no amount of waiting can help you.

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