Here’s a Cheat Sheet

Just do these three things.

All you have to do is fill in your details, apply it to your situation and voila.

Of course, this doesn’t work, for three reasons:

  1. It doesn’t help us overcome our fear that we have of doing it wrong, of failing, of being critisized and of doing the work each day. This is where learning takes place. By following the set pattern, you are playing it safe and moving towards the middle of the curve.

  2. If those things did work, then they are known already and have been factored into the market, or factored into your habits and awareness.

  3. Context is everything. What works for me, may not work for you. The details of works for me almost certainly won’t work for you.

So, we can share systems and approaches and gain some insight, but at the end of the day, we need to implement – try them on, fail, experience the criticism or disappointment ourselves, learn, create again and move on.

This is why becoming a mentee, having a teacher, or having a deep understanding and accountability partner can be so valuable.

The goal is to shine just enough light on the path to help us move through the fear and keep going, because following shortcuts takes too long.

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