Goals and Intentions. What’s Your Foundation?

Goal setting, intention setting, reflection.

At this time of year, you’d be lucky to open any platform and not be bombarded with proclamations, forecasts and maybe some solemn reflections on the the last 12 months.

While there are hundreds of tools out there to help set goals, many people often focus externally – the goal, the time, the benefit etc.

Here’s the thing, life is chaotic – non-linear.*

This means that at any point in time, your inputs and environment can completely change.

This need for flexibility leads us back to our own selves, because as Zig Ziglar would say:

You gotta “be” before you can “do” and you gotta “do” before you can have.”

So, what kind of person does our future self need to be when these unexpected events occur?

What type of habits do I want to create such that I am adaptable in the face of change?

What type of habits or behaviours will help me develop impeccability and accountability, such that others will still want to be a part of my journey?

What personal systems do I need to create so that I remain aware of my own cognitive biases and behavioural traits that have typically held me back?

*This is a good thing. When it’s no longer chaotic, you’ll find yourself in a grave.

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