Optimising Your Work or Office Environment 2019

The first day of a new calendar year.

If you are a leader looking to level up the collective output, maybe there are a couple of easy things to consider implementing for the team to increase health, productivity and performance.

  1. Increase weekly light exposure. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), low productivity, low immunity, low energy production (low metabolism) and poor mood are often affected by the light scarcity of inner city office (or studio/gym!) environments. Encourage some morning light exposure (outside) between 9-11am. Look to increase natural lighting wherever possible. If you really want to catalyse this, incorporate some breath work and gentle movement.

  2. Implement the “WGO” conversation. This is the “What’s Going On (for you)?” conversation. This can be peer to peer, or group. Lead with some of your own challenges, this could be events at home, with work etc. This is a safe space to check in to see what’s up, not with an employee, with a fellow human. Eye contact, listening and connection are key. If it sounds like someone needs help, have someone in place to organise support or a strategy.

  3. Insist on contribution. The crazier the ideas, the better. Encourage staff members to create a short blog in their area of expertise, hold conceptual design competitions, create outlandish simulation problems. Reasonable, predictable ideas aren’t the goal, a space for creativity and leadership is.

  4. Play. Bring someone in for a monthly event not centred around alcohol. Get outdoors, implement real play using infinite games (not a sport). Allow people to fail, fall on the grass, get frustrated, make connections with themselves, their body, the ground and each other.

Humanising the work environment through light and breath, connection and contribution pillars takes a little upfront time or effort and it can go against the status quo.

But morale, health, productivity and performance are enough to shift a good team to great.

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