The Warrior is Intentional

For the modern love-warrior-traveler, in the battlefield of distraction and the pursuit of mastery, impeccability is key.

Impeccability means to do your best today, then that will even look different again tomorrow, as you learn.

Impeccable speech is right speech, to stay true to your word – to value integrity.

Once this is created, then she can live her life intentionally.

Having energy “leaks” – distractions or tasks that would require additional energy in order to maintain impeccability – would therefore reduce the available power from the tasks that do matter.

One foot on the gas, one foot on the brakes..

“A warrior cuts out all unnecessary acts; in this way he saves his personal power.” – Théun Mares

Cutting away the leaks needs to be ruthless: unnecessary projects, disorganisation, excess email checking, the over-board social media, the cat videos, not having boundaries and having poor systems..

It’s hard, but one of the quickest way to to build personal power.

***PS – noticing energy leaks is hard while we are doing them. One great solution is to “block” time for non-doing. Ten minutes can be enough to start – in this space, many things can happen, but the main thing is we can begin to “see” a little more creatively.

My lovely wife Ruby is running a free 7 day challenge – 10 Minutes of Creative Space per day. If you would like a stable system and support to help you create your own space, check it out [here]***

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