Gluten Free, Dairy Free..

“Is the meal Dairy Free?”

“Yes, but the sauce in the chips that comes with it has dairy in it.”

“Ah that’s fine, I’ll still take the chips with the sauce, I just prefer dairy free generally. Thanks.”

Gluten free, dairy free, wheat free, meat free, sugar free, nut free, egg free, soy free, grain free, nut free, preservative free, additive free, salt free, fat free, carb free…

How do we make choices?

With food, there are two ways we can go – we can work to understand something about our food at an energetic level and what we need to thrive as a human and then pause and make a choice, or,

We can decide based on a current trend or sub-culture.

These same two options come up all the time with decisions.

Neither is wrong, but we need to be clear that many of the choices we make are via the bandwagon effect: The tendency to do (or believe) things because many other people in our offline and online social circles do (or believe) the same.

When the choices we make directly impact our health (how we eat, move, breathe, set up our environment..), it might be worth taking that pause.

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