Watching Your Breath

In Physics, the Observer effect is the theory that by simply observing a situation, we change the situation itself.

When we talk about breath work, we have two options – we can be “active” in the practice – we can change the breathing, or,

We can be “passive” in the practice – we can simply observe the breathing.

There are benefits available with “slow breathing” practices.

So, this can be done “actively” – with specific breathing “exercises,” or, when we are simply observing the breath naturally, over time, the breath also slows.

The observer effect kicks in. As we “watch” the breathing, the breathing itself changes.

Simply “watching” is a beautiful practice. It can teach us patience, “allowing” and acceptance. It can also teach us an infinite amount about our own breath. It is a great place to start* and yet is also a powerful practice for life.

*to start, try 5 minutes per day, in one session, or broken up, simply sitting with an upright posture.

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