A Few Numbers

In the Access Potential Academy personal and professional development program, I don’t run a Facebook Group.*

Here are some numbers and maybe you can see why:

  • In Australia, in 2016, Australians spent an average of 46 hours per week looking at a screen, but just six hours with family and friends.

  • In 2018, you spent 5 hours and 34 minutes daily, actively online.

  • The biggest chunk of that time – 1 hours and 39 minutes – was spent on social media.

  • Globally, 500,000 people join twitter, every day

  • Regular Facebook users? You folks are installing 20 million apps globally, most of them time wasters, every day

  • Most Australians actually are never separated from their phones

  • The average office worker is checking email between 30 and 40 times, per hour.

Now of course, it’s a partial picture. Simply a snap-shot, not negative, not positive.

For those who have been on one of the Unplugged Movement and Meditation retreats we run though, you know that there is a shift that takes place within 48 hours. It becomes clear that there is a cost associated with the above.

After we learn to cultivate our own energy, creating effective habits and integrity of both action and speech become key in maintaining our personal power.

So, if we believe in leading yourself and your tribe, and creating vitality in our lives, then it might be worth a pause at the start of 2019 to decide how we want to navigate this going forward.

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