Getting More out of Your Training

When I talk about leadership, I’m talking about you and also to you.

You seek change, you have the ability to be creative and the ability to lean into discomfort.

For some people, this ability is more practiced, and for others, they are just beginning.

However, leadership is there for anyone who wants it.

When we look to get the most out of our training, exercise, or movement, we need to see that we must become a leader. It is not convenient, but it is important to understand.

Leading begins with self – with energy generation and cultivation, then with connection and of course contribution.

How can you bring these into your next session? And why?

Why ask questions, why inquire or why act from our centre? Why put ourselves out on the edge? Why not just follow the instructor?

Why is it worth the struggle to engage, enquire and “feel” the practice at a deeper level?

Well, firstly, the struggle is always there, but the feeling might become more familiar as we create more “ownership” of our own practice.

And for two, when we look a little deeper, we see that all of these attributes or actions that help us “lead” or create, are also actually the things we deeply crave as a human being and help us thrive in any environment.

We also see that to lead – to stand out, to do our best, to speak up, to lean into the change you want to make, is a safer and more effective way to go in a world, market or environment that is unstable, and no longer wants or believes in ideas or thoughts that come straight out of the box.

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