The Magic of “Urgency.”

There’s a common misconception that we can start at “any time.”

That we can wait, consider it for a bit and come back to it.

When we look closer, “any time” is a myth, a literal impossibility.

In fact, the only time that exists is the current infinitesimally small, sliver of now.

When we then consider the dozens of cognitive biases and ever-increasing distractions that are wreaking havoc on our decision making process at almost all times, we find that one of our best bets is to learn to create urgency.

Urgency is a magic ingredient.

Not “rushed,” but intentionally taking action. Now.

Not only does urgency get us on the court a little faster so we can practice, or gain experience, it also minimises the cost of leaving the opportunity on the table for too long and losing it completely.

Practicing the habit of acting now, not later, pays off.

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