The Second Gate of Energy

Physiologically, we pass through the first gate of energy with our inputs, our food, breath, sleep, light, movement.

We are learning to become our own power source. Infinitely simple, yet increasingly complex as we try to weave this through the fabric of an urban landscape, a decline of the food supply and modern habits.

The second gate of energy is when our actions move into alignment with the life we want to create.

This is integrity of our word, our actions and conscious habit development.

Sometimes people call these “effective habits” or “high performance” habits.

But really, we are using tools and awareness to close the gap between what we know we want to be doing, and what we are doing.

When the gap is big – distraction, lack of awareness, unknown tools and addictions, we feel a fog, a lethargy and can even create incapacity.

As we clear these resistances away, we pass through the second gate of energy, and sometimes, it can feel more powerful than the first.

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