Useful “Movement”

Parkour is the act of overcoming physical problems.

Moving from A to B, unassisted, in often a complex urban environment, with dexterity, with speed.

When these are blended together, it is a dance with fear, with awareness, with strategy and with patience and practice.

But it is your own dance, with your body, at your level, in an environment that is relevant to you.

It could be navigating a curb, railway tracks, or scaling a building.

Parkour is one form of a transferable, useful movement practice. There are many.

With mindfulness and attention, these practices can be a great way to assist in energy generation to live a vital, impactful life.

Useful movement is transferable. It might be “practiced” in a gym setting, but it’s also a lever to problem solve, to live and to love in a broader setting.

“To be strong, to be useful.”

To be strong is interesting, sometimes notable. But to be useful is to have energy generation and vitality, to lean into discomfort, to be ready physically, mentally and emotionally.

To be ready to connect and contribute, to the people, places and environment that we choose.

Not for just a 45 or 60 minute class, not for a 3 hour race, but for life.

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