
“I’m waiting for my intuition.”

“I like to wait and listen to my gut.”

If you are spending the average time of almost two hours on social media each day, and almost six hours online, then you might be waiting a long time.

While intuition, an “inner knowing” – something separate from the mind, may be a thing, it can also be subtle, swift and without reason or logic.

It also needs space.

If the mind is engaged in a constant state of “skimming,” it becomes over-run. The “outer knowing” is dominant and any hope of this inner knowing is crushed.

How can we intuit if the mind is bombarded continuously?

Often, this waiting game can transform its way into a form of resistance – an entry to non-decision, to non-action.

Inner silence, the one day retreat, or simply blocking habits can be powerful allies – but ultimately, if we are finding that the intuition is taking a little too long to show it’s face, we might just need to decide.

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