Will it Go Sideways (remark-ability)?

When we look at the contribution pillar, the spreading of our work or ideas to assist or shift part of the culture, we have a few factors in play.

Of course, there is our experience – do we have the background, the insights, to create the change?

Do we have the ability – the courage, the grit or the consistency and even the communication and technical skills to present our idea or point of view consistently?

Finally, will people talk about it? Will it go sideways? Will it spread?

I had heard about Messina Gelato 8 times before I had tried it. I was in based on what I’d heard. As soon as I saw one, I lined up.

I also was fortunate to work alongside Hayden Cox of Hayden Shapes surfboards and ride one of his first FiberFlex (later FutureFlex) boards over a decade ago. I remember being stopped on the beach and asked about it, because of the black rails which were visible.

What we see is, that to change the culture, to make a dent, things need to be talked about beyond us. Once the idea is out, will it go sideways?

Experience is a pre-requisite to begin, remark-ability is a requirement to continue.

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