Personal Trainers, Coaches, Facility Owners [connection]

There are two ways to go in many areas of the service industry:

  1. Do the job as specified

  2. Stand apart through creating and doing the “extra” work that matters

A paradigm shift in many of these roles can come alongside the realisation that to turn up, to open the doors, to “do the job as specified,” is actually just the pre-requisite to get started.

To thrive then, often comes from soft skills that aren’t always part of a job description – initiative, empathy, creativity.

The work over and above the operating procedure – the connection and the contribution that you are creating.

If you “just follow the program” for an hourly wage, then you become replaceable by anyone else that can follow the program. As we become saturated with candidates, this only can go one way (someone will come that will do it for cheaper).

On the other hand, if you work to create trust and attention with the people you work with through deepening connection and contribution, then not only have you optimised your work environment for yourself and your clients, but all of a sudden, you have also built an asset.

If you’re an employee, this asset is powerful to your employer.

If you’re solo, then this asset is powerful for your growth and where you go from here.

For  employers, if you’re employees develop this asset for themselves this is valuable to you.

It’s another way of looking at having a job. The value addition through building trust and attention through contributing is the why. The how and the what can be wide-ranging.

It just so happens that not only can we decide to change our approach to our daily work (how we show up, how we engage), but we can also take other initiatives to add value: create offline workshops, meet-up groups and events for clients and colleagues.

Then of course with global connectivity at our fingertips, we can now find ways to connect, contribute and build these assets in an almost infinite number of ways.

**Interested? Stuck? Need some ideas on how to start this? Hit reply and I’ll let you know some of the tools we use to begin this process in the Access Potential Academy**


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