The Wave Pools

Surfers long for uncrowded, perfect waves.

Trips overseas, early morning, interstate drives… These are all common and are basically part of what it means to be a surfer.

A couple of years ago, high end wave pools started to surface, such as Kelly Slater’s wave company

Interestingly, like any disruptive movement in a culture, there seems to be a split.

While on one hand we see videos of perfect waves being ridden, huge smiles on their faces.. we also have the more traditionalist, laggard part of the culture which seems very unsure.

“Would it have the same feeling since it’s man made?”

“It’ll just get crowded”

“It just wouldn’t be the same.”

In about 1990, when I was 15 or so, one of my friends got an early Alcatel mobile phone at high school. He was the first person I saw sending text messages. I thought that was going to flop.

These wave pools are remarkable. We will see a lot more of them.

Innovation, disruption, and change isn’t supposed to feel right. It shouldn’t feel normal. The majority of the population will likely recoil at first.

So if we are looking to create a change ourselves, we can know what to expect.

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