A New Podcast

I began this daily blog on December 12, 2017. About 450 posts ago.

I’ve also been thinking about audio for a little while and after I finished up the Pillars of Power eBook as a resource, I knew it was time to start.

So, in February I recorded the first of a new project, the Access Potential Podcast.

There are a lot of podcasts available.

And this one is not be for everyone.

However, I am hoping this can be of value to those people who are looking to create change in their lives, or in the culture.

I’ll discuss personal power, energy generation (including breath and movement), connection, contribution and more.

In the first episode, I talk about Starting with a Capital “S” and three tools that can help you get something off of the ground.

A new episode will be out each week on iTunes (search “Access Potential”), or you can find it directly here on the site, or over at iTunes.

I’d love questions. I’ll take any questions that do I get on the email, and address them in future episodes.

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