Tiny Tasks

Long game change is exactly that.. Long game.

Whether in the physical domain, or in your work, we have to see we aren’t just adding things on and “developing.”

In many cases we are diving deep, completely rebuilding and re-wiring patterns, beliefs and habits.

It is humbling, bumpy and seemingly slow. We might look to create something in one area, only to discover we need to overhaul an entirely different part of ourselves.

Because of this long, slow nature of the process, we ofte fall into the trap of creating “tiny tasks.”

“Tiny tasks” are when we over-index on daily lists. To-do’s, check-sheets, and metrics. We are in the world of “tiny tasks” when we insert new things that we can succeed (or fail) in on a small time domain.

Engagement in tiny tasks feels good because it supports the productivity narrative.

The problem here, is that tiny tasks will have you feeling like a superhero when you achieve them, and can get you down in the dumps when you don’t.

This frenzy often isn’t helpful.

When we feel stuck in the tiny tasks – the chop on the surface of the water – it can help to zoom out, create some space and check our intent. If we have alignment with our intent, then our tiny task performance is secondary.

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