Hard & Soft Skills (connection, clients, jobs)

A “top 5” practitioner is perhaps a service provider that is in the top 5% of their category.

A trainer, a lawyer, a landscaper, a coach…

With global connectivity and saturation in most fields effectively inevitable, a move towards the “top 5” seems to be a pre-requisite for long term success.

Why are there so many “top 5” practitioners that still struggle with creating business or clients?

While the skill-set needed to provide the service could be considered a “hard skill,” we have everything else around it. “Soft skills.”

You could consider things like “sales and marketing” and “customer experience.” But really, let’s go deeper: attention, connection, empathy, communication, integrity, honesty, self belief, impeccability, initiative.

As the number of platforms for communication and service increases, and attention spans decrease, we’re seeing that these types of attributes are even more valuable.

If being a “top 5” is a pre-requisite, then cultivating these skills at a deeper level is a requirement.

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