This Too is Difficult

When people play rugby, boxing, or even go mountain bike riding, they are signing up for difficult.

Similarly, freediving, and marathon running are physically difficult. No question.

When we engage in these activities, this is pretty clear.

In fact, we pride ourselves on overcoming these hurdles. In some of them, it’s common for people to even get a tattoo symbolising the event or the race.

When you decide to pursue a new job, create a project on a new level that’s on display, reach out to someone new in your community that you haven’t met yet, or pitch a hair-brained idea to your team, this too is difficult.

Like the free-diving, this too will change your heart rate, your breathing, your physical state. And also like a physical pursuit, we can know this and yet still commit to practice, to trying again, and to adapting.

We can commit to doing it anyway.

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