Try 100.

Trying the same meal at a Japanese restaurant every night for 2 weeks straight is likely more than enough to decide if it’s right for you.

For almost everything else though, we need longer.

If you are looking to give a new habit, job, training routine or process “a spin” for a month or so, you’re likely leaving the benefits on the table.

100 events is likely a lot closer to see if it resonates:

  • 100 daily blog posts (100 days)

  • 100 trips to the gym (Maybe 35 weeks)

  • 100 sales conversations

  • 100 tries to make a decent espresso (A day or two of training)

Of course anything close to mastery is still a long, long way off. But all too often we throw in the towel before we even get over the first hurdle.

See how it feels after 100 repetitions and you might be surprised.

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