Becoming Creative

At some point, we all used to create. Maybe it hasn’t been since you were at school, with the glue in art class that is somewhat clear and gluggy, that some kids would eat…

For a lot of people, as they have aged, they have begun to conform, to shift to the left hemisphere only, the analytical mind.

There is no reason for this, other than society. The fear of not being efficient enough, or not being busy enough.

So, where do we go if we want to rebel? If we want to re-ignite the spark?

We simply begin to create again.

I call them projects – Whatever “work” you do, you can still start to create projects. Create art, create better conversations, create projects for your business.

To create more powerfully, means to create more often, and of course, to share your work. Once the project becomes a “gift” for the rest of us, you’ve just changed our day.

Through sharing (distribution), we amplify the emotional discomfort and thus, tend to create even better things.

(Of course, creating art, discussions and projects is transformational, so there is an inherent risk your life will also change as you step into possibility)

(I recommend a book I just finished, “Steal Like an Artist” – Austin Kleon.

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