altMBA Book List

I’m pretty sure Seth Godin and the altMBA team don’t publish the book list for this four week intensive for a reason.

It’s not that they don’t want anybody outside of the program to know what some of the recommended reading is, it’s that they know we will do the work and talk about it for them.

So, here it is – a couple of weeks out from the May round of altMBA, a nice book pack arrived.

Linchpin – Seth Godin

The War of Art – Steven Pressfield

Business Model Generation – Osterwalkder & Pigneur

The Coaching Habit – Michael Bungay Stanier

Steal Like an Artist – Austin Kleon

A Beautiful Constraint – Adam Morgan and Mark Barden

The Art of Possibility – Roz and Ben Zander

Then there are two more smaller books which aren’t commercially available.

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