Work Life Balance

That tension and super busy mind you feel right when you wake up each day and start to think about work…

That’s not normal.

It’s not “bad,” it’s simply an adaptation to the stimulus that you put on the brain and nervous system.

When we get “good” at thinking, solving problems and understanding new situations, we can start to get momentum. Why stop just because work stops, right? Midnight, 3am, 5am… just keep going!

One way (of many) that I show up as a hypocrite is to assert that most of us:

a) don’t rest enough and

b) don’t work hard enough.


The truth is, we can always be doing more. There is opportunity to positively impact another person or situation, even when your day is full. Time is the finite resource, so this “squeeze” is omnipresent. Via distraction and chronic, low level cognitive load, most of us are punching well below our weight in terms of productivity or impact.

And at the same time, the art of deep rest is also disappearing. Through constant choice, distraction and stimulus overload, we’ve managed to convince ourselves that we can just keep going somehow. A perpetual motion machine of sorts.

When you blend these two, instead of “off” and “on,” we create this kind of half way on mode – where deep rest is a thing from distant memory and heightened creativity is hard to come by.

The danger of course, is a grey-scale way of living. To really make things better, we need to regain access to these ends of the spectrum.

Check out my free eBook Pillars of Power for more.

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