“The More People Who Know…”

On Saturday Morning at 8am, my favourite coffee shop in Melbourne opens.

Often, there’s a few people waiting outside at this time.

I’m sure that the owner or barista doesn’t always feel like showing up. Maybe they had a big night on Friday..

Either way though, to open, to serve the best coffee around, is essential.

Every day they trade, they transform their customers into coffee aficionados, one by one, with one excellent espresso at a time.

“Raising the Necessity” means having people know what you’re about.

We know that you exist and what you’re doing. And, if we like it, we’re going to show up. Once they opened the doors for that fine espresso, we knew about it. They had to show up the next day.

When we do this, it puts a positive feedback loop into play, word spreads, and we can reach the people we are after.

As individuals, we can do this simply by telling people.

We can elevate this necessity simply by voicing our intent.

“What is your intent, what are you setting out to do here?”

When this is shared to a group, all of a sudden you have no place to hide.

Some people look for top down accountability, but when this positive peer pressure comes from a group you love and respect, it’s far more powerful.

“The more people who know, the better you go.”

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