Communion, Communication, Content

First we can choose to be in communion.

This is the joining together of the minds and spirits. To sit shoulder to shoulder, to see each other. To humanise.

The shift from here into communication is conscious. Communication is the transmission, so there’s an agreement: listening to understand, trying not to take things personally. Expression. We agree to do our best.

Finally, we have the content. What is it that we are talking about here?

If we aren’t present as we sit in seat 28C, we aren’t listening. If we aren’t listening, we aren’t going to hear the aircraft safety demonstration, regardless of fun it might be now.

Perhaps a benign example, yet when we look at our daily engagements, our meetings and our closer relationships, we find the same concepts in play.

To prioritise communion can feel pretty slow, and even straight up impossible at times. Yet when put in the effort, we often find it actually opens up the door to get where we are looking to go, together.

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