Upper Limits and Reframing Possibility

How many clients do you want to have?

How do you think your movement practice could look?

How would you like to feel?

What lights you up?

When does this happen by?

What would it look like if we cut the timeframe in half? What about if you doubled the client number?

When you think of your mentors, your heroes, how might they approach this same target?

The thing is, when we “frame” possible outcomes, we need to understand that our point of reference is heavily linked to our current narrative. We have a couple of options then to expand the realm of possibility that we see:

  1. Creating space – moving away from our environment, close friends and colleagues for a short period. What is available to us that we are not seeing in our daily lives?

  2. Exercises in possibility. I recently completed a 3 hour brainstorming and brain writing session in which we created 100 formed business ideas. Exercises like this can be transformative in terms of seeing what is available to you

  3. Finding a mentor, community or “hero” – if you can find a mentor that works for you, then you are lucky and it is a great opportunity! “Heroes” and communities are also great if there is both a safe space and also a positive peer pressure to create change.

  4. Understanding our narrative – what obstacles do we tend to create ourselves? If we have done this in the past, how might this be playing into the present?

John Britten designed and hand built a completely new motorcycle in Christchurch, New Zealand that was the fastest four stroke bike in the world for a while.

Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.

Chances are we are able to create a lot more that we imagine, and understanding the limitations of our current perception are likely a sound beginning.

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