Losing Motivation

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing and that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

Motivation, personal energy, self belief, confidence, self love, attention… These are just a few that fall into this bucket that is seemingly riddled with holes.

Here one moment, gone the next. An infinitely fruitful cycle for much of the self-help industry.

However, the transient nature of a wave moving through the ocean, and breaking in the shallows, adds to its wonder and beauty. Maybe another wave will come, maybe it won’t?

When we see a standing wave – an artificial wave pool, or a painting of a wave perhaps, there’s something missing.

So on one hand we cultivate practices, tools to help us find certain perspectives, fill the bucket, or to re-balance. And on the other hand, we can wonder at the transient nature of these feelings

When they are there, beautiful. When they are not, also beauty. Is there opportunity to inquire deeper into what we can learn, see and feel when all of these “positive” attributes or feelings are missing?

When there is something else there instead?

One thing is for certain, at times the bucket will have more holes in it than it does bucket remaining.

Before we try to “fix” and plug, what can we learn about ourselves in this empty space? As we understand more about ourselves and this space, how can that change or shape our lives?

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