One Decision after Another

Most people who do an Ironman triathlon do a “half” Ironman triathlon first.

For many in this group, the half Ironman is the original and only goal. They simple want to finish this remarkable challenge.

Once they cross the finish line though, there is of course a surge of self-belief, or personal power. There is also now a hole where the previous goal once was.

The next step to do the full distance Ironman now seems obvious, even though it wasn’t on the radar prior to the completion of the race.

This is a knock on effect.

When you decide to do a half Ironman, it is quite likely you are also deciding to do a full Ironman.

As we step into the transformation that one decision creates, there is every likelihood we will continue to make another choice following this that compounds or furthers this same transformation.

This is helpful. Even without incredibly long term goals in this moment, we can start to look at where “people who do things like this” tend to go next.

Now, is this where you want to be going?

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