
A lack of connection is a fundamental issue that we seem to face.

Whether this is at a personal level, or at a small business level – with those who are looking to reach their audience.

In both cases, we can either accept “what is,” or we can be willing to lean in, to create.

If we accept what is, there is a danger. We can see a “lack of connection” as a reflection on ourselves or our business. It is easy to think we aren’t good enough, or are falling short in some way. This of course has been fuelled by the never-ending bandwagon of social media.

Yet if we are willing to lean in – willing to give connection rather than waiting to receive it, then we can find a strategy. We can see what works and what doesn’t.

We can find or create platforms, start conversations and ask questions. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t. If not, we reframe and try again.

Giving without looking to receive may seem counterintuitive, yet it’s our most direct route to cultivate broad and deep connection.

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