You Never Really Win with Resistance

As you engage in your new project, you are going to face resistance.*

Maybe you’ve joined a gym, maybe you are creating a podcast – there will be all sorts of excuses to not begin, or reasons to walk away, why it’s not good enough, or why you don’t need to finish.

However, if you keep going, you might overcome the resistance. You’ll see the results at the gym, you’ll get the work out into the world.

This feels great – it feels like we’ve won, like we’ve conquered something. We’ve “levelled up.”

We feel invincible.

The thing is, we haven’t won. We moved through the resistance this one time perhaps, but it will be there again around the very next corner.

As soon as we feel we are invincible, we are a ripe target for the next round of resistance.

To understand that we never win, that we will always have this challenge, that we always will play with resistance, is our only hope. It is the only way to stay on our toes and to keep pushing through to finish the job.

*”Resistance” is the name Steven Pressfield has given to the forces that we face when we are trying to do the work that we love. Typically, when they are present it’s a sign that we are stepping into good work.

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