The Last 10%

When you are looking to sell your car, the last 10% of the work is important.

The first impressions of a car in the used car market are important, it can change the course of the sale.

The last 10% takes time.

The polishing, cleaning the insides of the wheels, the finer detailing – this stuff takes at least as long as the first 90%.

There are times when it’s worth spending the time on the finer details – the preening and the polishing.

Then there are times when it’s not worth it. When we are over-indulging and it’s stopping us from getting the work out.

We need to make a choice. What’s this last 10% for? Is it to make the work actually better? Or is it a way of stalling as we search for some kind of “perfect?”

In a lot of areas, setting the date or “by-when” that the job or project needs to be finished, and then sticking to that date – even if it feels like we missed a few percentage points – can be a powerful option.

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