“Working In”

To work “out” is to expend energy, express capacity, to stimulate and to expand.

If there are adequate resources*, this stimulus is the stimulus for growth, change and adaptation.

To work “in” is to accumulate energy and to re-vitalise.

While the stimulus sparks the adaptation, the “working in,” or the restorative process facilitates the adaptation.

Working “out,” or the “expression” of energy is seen as a status upgrade. We talk about it as a culture, and rightly so – it’s fun, high energy and often exhilarating!

While this is the case, what is really important is the synergy between them. The balance.

“Working in” doesn’t need a specific title, it can be a walk, a day in nature, some qi gong, or meditation. But it also could be a number of other things.

When we over-emphasise “doing,” “producing” and “action,” it can feel like “working in” is a waste of time. Nothing is happening. Yet really, everything is happening, just on a far more subtle level.


*when there are not adequate resources, the stimulus can just be seen as stressful

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