Picking Your Team

We all had a time in school where we were picked last.

Maybe it was in a game of softball or “bull-rush,”

Or maybe it was more subtle – like a late invite to a party, or a teacher not acknowledging our work.

We waited until we were picked, and our subconscious was assessing how this unfolded.

The thing is, most of us continue this pattern of “waiting” and observing well beyond school.

In finite games, such as sports, this “picking” is kind of the way it has to be – we are both invited to play, and we play voluntarily. Even at a top level, we are “drafted” to a team.

What if we pick our own team?

What about if we change the entire game?

What if we decide on a game, and pick people – or invite people rather, to play with?

As an adult, we have infinite opportunity – what does it look like if we step forward and reach out to 20 people, maybe 5 are available… Then we start a conversation – set some actions – and start making some changes?

Maybe it’s for a project, maybe its to start an accountability group for your health journey, maybe it’s a group of people who are interested in writing a book.

A team is not likely to pick us anymore – and even if it does, each day we “pick” our approach, our posture, our effort.

How would picking our own game and our own team change things?

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