Movement Ideas

Recently I interviewed Jozef Frucek from Fighting Monkey on a podcast*.

One of the things he talks about is bringing someone into a group setting in his workshops and “opening up the space”:

“OK, you are into “movement,” let’s see you move.”

No constraints, no starting point, just go.

Obviously, for most of us, we’d shimmy around a little bit, then pretty much freeze, and shrug our shoulders not knowing what to do next.

We get stuck.

For him, unbounded movement improvisation without instruction or direction is a practice. Something he cultivates.

With our projects, work and creativity, we find the same. Without instruction, there’s a “vacuum.”

What do we do? We are once again stuck.

And again, we find there is a hidden sweet spot here.

Through surrounding ourselves with others who lean into this vacuum, we can develop a practice of creating action in this space.

It shifts from what “should” we do, to what “can” we do.

This is the space of innovation.

*Search iTunes or Spotify for Access Potential Podcast

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