The Skill of Stopping (Productivity, Addiction)

I just received an email from Medium, with a blog post on how to optimise your iPhone for productivity and longevity (link at bottom).

As I glanced through it, I couldn’t help notice that many of the tips involve limiting the addictive nature of a lot of the apps and tools in the phone.

As we look to “grow” as a human and increase productivy, wellbeing and awareness, in many cases we are simply learning to “stop.”

Stop clicking, stop scrolling, stop talking, stop multi-tasking, stop procrastinating, stop drinking, stop gambling, the list may go on.

Stopping the “extras” to bring attention back to the present moment and task.

While the power of mindfulness is no surprise, we also see that in order to start something new that may be helpful, we also need to be able to stop engaging in something that is not.

(here is the medium post)

(PS – Yesterday there was a shocker of a grammatical error in the post. It is not the first. I apologise for this. While I try to do my best, occasionally there are both spelling and grammatical mistakes. Thank you for the feedback and of course the patience.)

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