Those Who Shout the Loudest

Don’t get the best results.

Even though, sometimes it feels like they will.

When you walk through the farmer’s markets, there is always one stall using the shouting method:

“for FIVE MINUTES only, ALL these LOVELY tomatoes FOR JUST THREE DOLLARS. FIVE minutes ONLY FOLKS, COME get your tomatoes…!”“

And on we go. Even from the other end of the market, you can hear the echo of the tomato deal.

However, throughout the market journey, you’ll also pass many other stalls who are just flat out. They are non-stop until they run out of goods, usually well before the end of the market: The good chicken guy, The kind lady who does the sweet potatoes etc.. Simply dialling in the process to perfection.

A line up, yet no noise.

We can find results a number of different ways.

And while shouting louder about the process might feel like it helps, if you want to be noticed, it is hard to go past excellence: others will tend to do the shouting for you.

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