That Being So…

“That being so, so what now?”

Yes there are difficulties, you join the gym or yoga classes and it’s early, you are stiff, you can’t lift the same weights as someone else, you have a lot of work on, your mindset or energy feels “off,” the other people applying for the job are more qualified..

So, what now?

While this reframe can feel “harsh” or dismissive in the wrong tone, it is actually based on acceptance.

If we flesh it out a little, perhaps we could say:

“When we sit with that, when we notice these difficulties and when we acknowledge the emotions that they bring as real, as visceral – when we don’t rush through this but when we accept it all, where would we like to go from here?”

Acceptance and compassion are the foundation for resilience. Through these we can continue to recommence forward motion, even after we get bogged down.

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