Podcast Wrap Up

Connection, possibility, conversation…

These are a few of the reasons why I chose to embark on the the Access Potential Podcast project a couple of months ago. So far, it has been a really rewarding project and 23 episodes have been recorded.

Through this, I’ve found another medium to practice expression and articulation, as well as connect with some great guests.

The feedback has been great, and of course, there has been plenty of change as I learn and explore the medium.

So today’s post is simply quick wrap up of some of the more popular episodes.

Episode 1 – “Starting with a Capital S”

Episode 8 – “Your Dream Business”

Episode 15 – Jozef Frucek – “Fighting Monkey”

Episode 18 – “What are You Breathing For?” – Cole Clayton

Episode 21 – Simon Borg-Olivier (Posture, movement and breathing)

Episode 22 – Overcoming Fear with Shaun Wood

You can find the above, plus all 23 of the episodes here.

They are also on Spotify, if you search “Access Potential Podcast.”

(PS, Episode 23 just dropped today with Ashley Jones from Charge CrossFit!)

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