The Difficulty in Difference

Personally, professionally and physically, it is incredibly easy to do something the same.

The same as before.

The same as someone right next to you.

The same as you found on google somewhere.

And while there may be “nothing new under the sun,” to bring in the emotional energy to risk change (what if it doesn’t work… or what if it does work?? both can be scary), is very hard for us as humans.

To even attempt this, can leave us stunned, stuck and sticky. It can leave us duped.

Difference is difficult.

With no guide book, what do we do?

Thankfully, like anything, perhaps we can create a practice.

Through starting small, the practice of reinvention, innovation, and creation, can lead us down new paths, areas worth exploring and roads worth travelling.

And like many practices, this one is usually worth the effort.

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