Chinese Whispers

We all line up, and Joey at the front whispers a message to Anne next to him…

Anne nods. Then turns, and whispers it to Barbara.

It goes on. Each time, the person passes along the message as accurately as possible.

The game wraps up when we compare the final message at the end of the line with the original one.

The goal is to copy. But there is always some crazy variation!

This is cumulative human error.

The twists and turns in the message only happen because of nervousness, or rushing perhaps…

When we look at how we express ourselves, often we see a huge version of this very same game playing out. 

Repetition of formats, language, “best practices” – copy and paste.

But what if we aren’t playing Chinese Whispers?

What if the goal is to add to the conversation, not copy it?

To make the changes intentionally at each stage?
To add in your own twist?

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