Five Projects

Like many things, innovation is most effective when it is proactive, not reactive.

If you’re waiting for things to start to get stale before you change them up, then any attempts to spark creativity and change are usually capped by too much path dependence and fear.

Project based learning is the fastest way to create new experiences, change world views, spark new ideas and drive innovation.

When projects are done “in work” and with high frequency, it’s even better.

So, here areĀ five project ideas that will transcend business or career type and change the way you think.

  1. Write a blog or start a podcast. Do 100 posts, or one season. Learn to see, express and ship out, all at once.
  2. Learn to surf, bodysurf, or even swim in waves this year. Feel wind direction. When you get out, look at a real weathermap to understand what’s happening.
  3. Do an industry tour. Off your own back, spend a month visiting those who outperform. Meet them, listen to them, watch them. Be open.
  4. Enter and complete a marathon. You’ll find a way.
  5. Build a network. Connect a tribe, people in your space, your passion, your training group. A book club, a meetup, something. Start a conversation.

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