Only when the fog clears do we notice a lack of direction.
When you bring the practice of attention to the breath and body, combining both “feeling” and relaxation,
You can then start to see the parts of you, or parts of your life that may be being numbed or avoided.
The fog clears, allowing us to see these things clearly.
Although confronting, this position brings opportunity. From here, we find awareness. We get to choose where to from here.
Stopping, feeling, relaxing in this way can be a painful process.
We can feel the level of distraction, or lack of direction. How we may be wasting so much time on a daily basis.
It can bring opportunity to see how little of your life you may be aligning around what you actually value.
This creates urgency. You pretty quickly start making adjustments to the course, as the pain of seeing all of this can be significant.
The basis for this though is the attention. The removal of the distraction, the removal of the “doing.”
The return to the breath and cultivation of attention is the basis for direction.