Luna the Staffordshire Bull Terrier can overheat when she walks in Summer…
She’s short, has dark fur, is ridiculously muscular and basically just dense.
She gets so excited to be out romping in the park collecting sticks, that she loses her ability to regulate temperature well. It’s rarely a concern, but she always comes back ready for a drink.
So, she lines up at the hose – her favourite method to quench her thirst.
The thing is, when the hose is on, she’s only got one option – she chomps at the water. She likes it on full power, and then bites at it, trying to get a drink.
It’s fun to watch of course, but the reality is, she gets soaking wet and struggles to get quench her thirst. It’s overwhelming for her.
For Luna, there’s no real option here. She doesn’t have the dexterity to control this input.
As humans, we do have this control.
While we often act as if we have to drink from this high output hose, we actually have a choice.
How you approach your work, your training, the way you use social media, how you approach alcohol is all a choice.
If we start getting overwhelmed and sprayed everywhere, before we change anything else, it’s a pretty straightforward step to just take a step back, or slow down the flow.