I have no idea about your idea.

When you get to work with a lot of business owners, you see a lot of ideas pop up.

“I have a new idea about this, or I have a new idea about that… I think it’s going to go really well, do you think it will work?”

Well, I have no idea!

As an individual, we can make assertions as to whether it would work for us, we can have opinions, or feedback, but the only real way to know is through the market.

In the physical domain, your movement never lies – if you’ve been active, you can do activity – the truth plays out in real time.

In the business world, the market never lies – if it’s a good idea that’s executed well, then the truth will play out.

Yes, past experience matters, yes there are ways to see if an idea might be more likely to work, but at the end of the day, the opinion of the market is the only one that matters.

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